PM SHRI Schools (Prime Minister Schools for Rising India)

Release date of PM SHRI scheme: On the occasion of Teachers’ Day Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced PM SHRI Schools. Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on the 5th of September every year.

Introduction and Aim of PM SHRI:

PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) is a centrally sponsored scheme that aims to transform 14,500 government schools across the country into a showcase of the new National Education Policy (NEP).

  • PM SHRI will provide high-quality education in an equitable, inclusive, and joyful school environment that takes care of the diverse background, multilingual needs, and different academic abilities of children and makes them active participants in their own learning process as per their vision of NEP 2020.

Cost and Fund of implementation of PM SHRI: The scheme will be implemented as a centrally sponsored with a total project cost of Rs. 27,360 crore, with the center’s share of 18,128 crores for the period of five years from 2022-23 to 2026-27.



PM SHRI Schools – Mind map

Salient features of PM SHRI:

  • PM SHRI schools will provide leadership to other schools in their respective regions by proving mentorship.
  • These schools will be developed as Green schools, incorporating environment-friendly aspects like solar panels and LED lights, nutrition gardens with natural farming, waste management, plastic-free, water conservation, and harvesting, the study of traditions/practices related to the protection of the environment, climate change related hackathon and awareness generation to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
  • In these schools the pedagogy will be more experimental, holistic, integrated, play/toy based (Particularly in foundation years) inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centered, discussion-based, flexible, and enjoyable.
  • The focus will be on the learning outcomes of every child in every grade.
  • Assessment at all levels will be based on conceptual understanding and application of knowledge to real-life situations and will be competency-based.
  • Assessment of resources available and their effectiveness in terms of availability, adequacy, appropriateness, and utilization for each of the domains and their key performance indicators will be done and gaps will be filled in a systematically planned manner.
  • Better employment opportunities will be explored.
  • SQAF ( A School Quality Assessment Framework) is being developed to measure outcomes of these schools at regular interval
  • All modern facilities, science labs, libraries, ICT facilities, vocational labs, etc. will be provided to all schools.

The strategy for Implementation of PM SHRI:

  • Prime Minister schools for rising India would be implemented through the existing administrative structure available for Samagra Shiksha, KVS, and NVS. The other autonomous bodies would be involved on a specific project basis as required.
  • These schools shall be monitored vigorously to assess progress and understand the challenges faced in the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020.

Major benefits of PM SHRI:

  • Students will be rooted in the knowledge and heritage of India, proud of the civilization ethos and values of Bharat, aware of India’s contribution to the world, and conscious of duties towards society, living beings, and nature.
  • The students will be communicatively competent in Indian languages, respecting inclusivity, equality, and unity in diversity, a sense of service, and furthering the spirit of ‘EK BHARAT SHRESTHA BHARAT’
  • Character-building, citizenship values, fundamental duties, and responsibilities towards nation-building.
  • These schools will be developed as vibrant schools focusing on the all-round development of children


  • More than 18 lakh students are expected to be direct beneficiaries of the scheme.
  • Further impact will be generated through the monitoring and handholding of schools in the vicinity of PM SHRI schools


Source: ➡

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